

The launch of Impact India Foundation (IIF) marked the beginning of an extraordinary initiative based on a rather ordinary observation: while physical disability remains one of India’s greatest problems (estimated to be around 70 million)1 most disablements are reversible and preventable. Successful interventions to prevent and cure these problems would decrease disability and improve the quality of life nationwide.

The President of India launched IIF on October 2 1983 as a “National Plan of Action” against avoidable disablement. In over 35 years of operations, Impact India Foundation (IIF) has played a catalytic role in bringing together government functionaries, the corporate sector, NGOs, and other civil society organisations to strengthen healthcare programmes of national priority.

IIF reaches out to the disabled poor across the remotest parts of India. All of IIF’s services are free of cost. The Lifeline Express (LLE) and the Community Health Initiative (CHI) are IIF’s flagship programmes.

The work of IIF has been aligned to rural India's health priorities. In the early days, IIF's efforts were geared towards eradication of Polio and infectious diseases such as Guinea worm. Subsequently, the scope expanded to include Malaria eradication, strengthening health infrastructure and promotion of community health activities.

IIF through its Lifeline Express has now expanded services related to cancer screening as well as lifestyle diseases including hypertension and diabetes. At every step, IIF has anticipated and responded to the ever-changing health needs of rural India.