Dr. Kaushal Chhatrapati    .Nov 25, 2019 . 2 min read

Q. What is Rotablation?

A. Rotablation is the process by which calcified coronary arteries are drilled with a fast rotating diamond-tipped burr. The bur spins at the rate of 1,50,000 to 2,00,000 rpm. The "burring" breaks down the calcium blobs into microscopic debris < 5 microns in diameter, which are absorbed by cardiac reticuloendothelial system.

Q. How does Rotablation assist in stenting?

A. Rotablation causes radial cuts in the calcified arc of the arteries. This allows the expansion of the balloon, and subsequently expansion of thge stent

Q. Is Rotablation dangerous?

A. On the contrary. High pressure ballon expansion in a calcified arteries can cause coronary perforation. Rotablation, by causing radial cuts, assists balloon expansion at lower pressures.

Done by expert hands, Rotablation makes angioplasty in calcified arteries a much safer procedure.

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