Dr. Kaushal Chhatrapati    .Nov 25, 2019 . 2 min read
Technology and Health
Technology: A Boon or a Curse?

Q. Is Technology detrimental to health?

A. Mobiles, Tablets, Computers, make us sedentary. The children today are spending more time playing on their X Boxes and iPads with their "online" friends then they are playing outdoors with their "real" friends. Children should be given a upper limit of "Screen Time" which should be firmly enforced.

Q. So is Technology all bad?

A. Absolutely not. Smartwatches are useful for monitoring our daily exercise routines. Most good smartwatches are equipped with options to measure daily step count, running speed, Stair Climbing, Racquet sports like Badminton or Tennis, and even swimming. We can keep a realistic goal, and monitor it with our Smartwatches. The latest Apple Watch can also take ECGs, and can diagnose irregular heartbeats in patients with heart diseases.

Technology is a good servant but a bad master.

Q. So, how can we use our smartwatches to keep healthy?

A. Keep realistic daily targets and work towards achieving them. I would suggest keep a goal of walking 6000 steps/day, and climbing 10 floors /day. Slowly, increase the number of steps/day, and floors to be climbed per day. Rome was not built in a day.

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