Dr. Kaushal Chhatrapati    .Nov 25, 2019 . 2 min read
Treadmill Test
Taking the "Stress" out of Stress Test

Q. What is Treadmill Test?

A. Treadmill Test, or Stress Test is a test done to "exercise" your heart to its fullest capacity, whilst continuously recording an ECG. If there are changes in the ECG during exercise, it points to a blockage in the blood vessels supplying the heart.

Q. Why is it needed to exercise? Can't a simple ECG reveal coronary blockages?

A. The simple answer is : No!

A "tight" (say 80-85%) blockage in the heart arteries may still supply adequate blood to the heart in resting stage, thus leading to a "Normal" ECG. It is only when the heart is exercised, the heart rate increases, and the "tight" block prevents any increase in the blood flow, that the patient will experience chest pain/ or the ECG becomes abnormal.

Q. How should I prepare for a TMT?

A. Generally, 3 hours of fasting suffices for this test. The chest hair are shaved. Leads are attached to the chest, and you will be told to walk on a treadmill, whicj is programmed to slowly increase the speed every 3 minutes. An ECG printout is taken every minute, till a predetermined heart rate is reached, or patient has chest pain or breathlessness. The ECGs are being continuously being evaluated by an experienced Cardiologist, to look for changes suggestive of heart arteries blockage. Should such changes appear, the Treadmill Test is prematurely terminated.

Q. If my TMT is positive, what should I do?

A. Generally, if your TMT is positive, your cardiologist will recommend a Coronary Angiography.

Q. Is TMT accurate?

A. Unfortunately, this test is not very accurate. Some cases with "tight" blockages may show no changes on TMT (False negative), whereas some cases with no blockages may also show significant ECG changes (False Positive). Hence, Clinical judgement is paramount. Nevertheless, TMT continues to be used widely as a screening test to rule out blockages in heart arteries.

Q. Is TMT dangerous?

A. Generally speaking, Treadmill Test is very safe, with important caveats. It should be ordered, and performed by a Cardiologist. On occurence of chest pain or ECG changes it should be immediately terminated. It should NEVER be done if ongoing heart attack or unstable angina is suspected. And a Defibrillator should be available on-site, should the heart become fast during Treadmill Test.

SoBo Heart Clinic has State of the Art GE Treadmill Test equipment, and Philips Defibrillator.

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